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Oguz Trade

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About Us

Bright future with Oguzabat!

Economic society "Oguzabat". Our company was founded in 2012 and has diversified activities. The company is engaged: *supply of materials and equipment from different manufacturers; * construction and installation works; *provision of tourist services; * owns a sports club; *advertising activities; * trade in sporting goods. Oguzabat Economic Society is a supplier of many groups of building materials and equipment, oil and gas equipment from different manufacturers for construction sites, closely cooperates with manufacturing plants and delivers to construction sites in Ashgabat and other regions of Turkmenistan.In our list, you can find suppliers of fittings, wallpaper, windows, doors, plumbing and other materials necessary for construction work, as well as we supply equipment of various types and for various industries on request. Our clients are medium and large construction companies that carry out capital construction, build access roads and sites, and are engaged in finishing. The main construction objects are business centers, shopping and entertainment centers, administrative buildings, industrial facilities, shops, recreation centers, apartment buildings, cottage settlements. The main values ​​of ES "Oguzabat" is the priority attention to customer service and logistics service. We are constantly improving the quality of the above aspects of work, expanding our range, improving logistics processes in order to fully satisfy our customers and supply the required range of building materials in the shortest possible time. Our clients trust us and work with us for many years. Our strengths: - Wide assortment line - Competitive prices for materials - Strong transport department

Oguz Sport

Oguz Sport находится в центре города и в спальном районе. Просторный и удобный спортивный зал, соответствует всем требованиям стандартов. Заведение ра

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Oguz Travel

Our travel agency offers a variety of tours for our clients. Our agency offers you interesting trips, such as city tours, beach trips, cultural trips,

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В настоящее время «Oguzabat» динамично развивающаяся компания и укомплектована профессиональными квалифицированными кадрами. Своей первоочередной цель

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Oguz Trade

Компания “Oguzabat” предлагает услуги импорта и экспорта любых видов товаров. Мы являемся поставщиками по многим группам строительных материалов и обо

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Oguz Advertising

Хозяйственное общество рекламных услуг «Огузабат» предлагает Вам качественные рекламные, типографские, полиграфические услуги. Мы гарантируем, что ис

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Компания Oguzabat стала единственным дистрибьютором грузовых автомобилей Sinotruk Group в Туркменистане. Sinotruk Group - China National Heavy Duty Tr...

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RID-Batterie GmbH

В Ашхабаде состоялась встреча между руководителями ХО «Огузабат» и немецкой компанией «RID-Batterie GmbH». В рамках этой встречи с целью вне...

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